Investment Management
Investment portfolios built to support the future you envision for yourself. Returns you can be comfortable with in volatile market conditions.
You’re unique and your situation is specific to the needs of you and your family. Each client is very different with their own set of assets, concerns and goals. We strongly believe that your investment portfolio needs to reflect your current circumstances, customized to your risk, tax situation and return objective.
With that in mind, we take the time to go through a five step process with you to determine the right portfolio for you and your family or your business.

Discover and Analyze
What are your goals and objectives for your portfolio?
We ask this question first because we want to achieve a comprehensive understanding of your personal and financial situation. To do this, we can work with your accountant to better understand your tax considerations and to minimize your tax liability. If you are close to retirement or selling your business, we will look at account structuring and developing a financial plan. Meeting with your attorney will help us to understand your estate plan, ensuring that your portfolio maximizes the assets passing to your heirs and beneficiaries.
Asset Allocation
Your asset allocation determines the expected returns and the potential downside value of your portfolio. This decision is critical, so we work carefully with you, to decide what percentage of your assets will go into each asset class.
We have no preference or bias to any portfolio allocation, as we manage portfolios across the asset allocation spectrum. We believe the best portfolio allocation depends on your unique financial situation, the one that you will not abandon when challenging market environments occur.

Investment Policy Statement
The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) states the agreed upon asset allocation for your portfolio. The IPS details the objectives of the portfolio specifically in terms of risk and return. It also includes any investment constraints such as:
- Time horizon
- Liquidity needs (anticipated contributions and withdrawals)
- Tax considerations
- Unique circumstances (such as concentrated positions or stock options)
- Legal and regulatory requirements
Once you sign your investment policy statement, we can move to invest or re balance your assets.
After setting up your needed accounts or moving existing accounts under our supervision, we begin to implement the portfolio according to the agreed asset allocation. Depending on your situation or requirements, your money will be invested immediately, while other times we may use dollar-cost-averaging or periodic purchases plan.
At this point, we pay close attention to asset location, an essential element in proper portfolio implementation. We determine what assets should go in taxable accounts and what assets should go in tax-deferred accounts, also looking to set up accounts for liquidity if necessary.
Finally, we diversify across asset classes to control expenses, both with regards to taxes and transaction expenses. .

Monitor and Re-balance
Our investment manager continues to monitor and re-balance your portfolio per your Investment Policy Statement. We send you regular portfolio reports and you have full access to your custodian dashboard for real-time updates. We meet with you periodically to keep current with your financial situation, to answer any questions you may have and to make sure your portfolio and the allocation remains appropriate for you.
We would love to learn more about you.
Knowledgeable and expert.