One of the most important concerns for us is determining your portfolio asset allocation among various investments. The best asset allocation for you is one that the you will not abandon when challenging market environments occur, and they occur often. We have no preference or bias to any portfolio allocation. We manage portfolios with allocations of 100% fixed income, as well as 100% equity positions, and many, many combinations in between. We do not believe there is one right asset allocation. We believe there is only a portfolio allocation that is right for you given your unique financial situation.
So, what is the right portfolio for you?
The asset allocation decision is driven by your risk tolerance. Risk tolerance is actually a two-prong test. It encompasses your willingness to take risk and your ability to take risk, which are sometimes at odds with one another. Willingness is determined by how much portfolio volatility you are comfortable with, which is a subjective choice. The ability to take risk is an objective determination based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, your goals, your cash flow needs, and tax considerations.

Would you like to know your risk tolerance score?
We invite you to complete our online risk tolerance questionnaire. You will receive a personalized and comprehensive risk report.
Once you have an idea of your risk number, you can give us a call and we will be happy to review the results and look over your investments to make sure your allocations are aligned with your risk profile.
Our Fiduciary Promise
We promise to put your good ahead of our own and to provide transparent and straight forward fee-only services. We are an independent firm with no affiliation to a broker or parent company, so we don’t sell investment products, insurance, or annuities. We give unbiased advice with your best interests in mind.
Personalized Investments
Build the portfolio that is
comfortable and right for you and your family. Determine your unique profile.
Custom Financial Planning
Design a plan to define your goals and re-frame the possibilities. Give us a chance to lead you beyond your dreams.
Wealth Management
Get the best advice and options at each financial milestone in your life. Build a legacy of good financial decisions and sound investment management.
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Knowledgeable and expert.