Your road map to financial security.
Women face many unique challenges when it comes to personal finance and investing.
- Physical and emotional – longevity, more subject to elder abuse, more likely to struggle after divorce or death of partner.
- Workplace – lower salary over fewer earning years, out of workforce caring for family.
- Behavioral – less confident about investing skills, more likely to start investing later, invest in less risky assets, less likely to participate in workplace retirement plans.
What does freedom mean to you – starting your own business, going part-time or leaving the workforce, moving abroad, leaving a relationship or job that isn’t right for you, living without debt hanging over your head?
Make your future self happy.
In his TED Talk, Daniel Goldstein tells us that our present self doesn’t want to save but wants to consume and have fun but our future self wants our present self to save. Present self is the one that’s in charge, so how do we convince our present self to pay attention to our investment accounts?
Click here to view on YouTube >>

Draw a persuasive picture.
- Imagine yourself in the future.
- Anticipate your emotional reaction when future self is able to retire without stress.
- Visualize reaching your goals.
- Positive reinforcement about good things your past self has done.
- Remove obstacles such as inertia.
- Put decisions on automatic pilot

Where do you want to be?
- When do you want to retire?
- What does retirement look like to you?
- How much will that retirement cost?
- Do you have flexibility?
- Do you have short-term goals that also need to be funded?
- What is your time horizon?
- Do you know how much your Social Security Benefit will be?
- How much do you need to save?
- How will you bridge the gap?
Debt Best Practices
Pay on time every time! Call your credit card company and request a rate decrease. Transfer high rate balances and consoldate into a low interest loan. Clean up your credit report. Review your credit activity yearly.
4% Rule
You can withdraw 4% each year from a balanced portfolio (60% stocks 40% bonds) over a 30-year retirement period with a high probability of success of not running out of money.
1M portfolio x .04 = $40,000 per year.
Reading List
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
Don’t Ask by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
The Marshmallow Experiment
4% Rule by Bill Bengen
Action Plan
Now is the time to review your accounts, to check for diversification, and to make sure your asset allocation matches your risk tolerance.
So, what is the right portfolio for you?
The asset allocation decision is driven by your risk tolerance. Risk tolerance is actually a two-prong test. It encompasses your willingness to take risk and your ability to take risk, which are sometimes at odds with one another. Willingness is determined by how much portfolio volatility you are comfortable with, which is a subjective choice. The ability to take risk is an objective determination based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, your goals, your cash flow needs, and tax considerations.

Would you like to know your risk tolerance score?
We invite you to complete our online risk tolerance questionnaire. You will receive a personalized and comprehensive risk report. Once you have an idea of your risk number, you can give us a call and we will be happy to review the results and look over your investments to make sure your allocations are aligned with your risk profile
Risk Tolerance Questionnaire
Find out your personal risk capacity and risk tolerance.
After reading through the information, you might still have questions. Call us.
Social Security
Get started with your account and access to your benefits information.
Would you like to receive more tools, resources and education?
Sign Up
In a couple of weeks we will have a secure portal for you to sign in and view the full Women’s Alliance Round Table presentation, along with questions and answers from coworkers, tools and downloads for your continued financial journey.
Platt Wealth Management offers financial plans to answer your important financial questions. Where are you? Where do you want to be? How can you get there? Our four-step financial planning process is designed to be a road map to get you where you want to go while providing flexibility to adapt to changes along the route. We offer stand alone plans or full wealth management plans that include our investment management services. Give us a call today to set up a complimentary review. 619-255-9554.